GEOG2400: Introduction to Sustainable Cities CA2, CA4-INTL, E
This General Education course provides students with a solid foundation in key issues in Sustainable Cities around the world. Foundational theories from development thinking and sustainable cities are combined with case studies of various economic, social, and environmental challenges facing contemporary cities around the world to provide students with an understand of the complex factors that shape people’s quality of life. The course’s four overarching themes of capitalism, climate change, human rights, and technology are woven together to examine topics such as urban slums, environmental justice, climate refugees, sanctuary cites, and a broad array of climate mitigation and adaptation strategies such as renewable energy, low-impact development, flood barriers, tactical urbanism, sustainable transportation, sustainable food systems, recycling, adaptive reuse, and urban greenspace.
Samples of Group Projects
During this course, students work in groups to research projects that have promoted sustainability around the world.
Here are selected animated powerpoints on climate change initiatives that created by groups and shared with the class.